Thursday, July 17, 2008


Bay Ridge nightfall light and a road-works update

These pictures were taken on Wednesday, July 9th, as night was falling on what was supposed to have been a very stormy night. I took them because the light was so different and spectacular, and have posted them in the order they were taken, even if pictures 2 and 3, looking South towards the Verrazzano Bridge and East on 86th Street look considerably lighter. Where you see road-works, that is my block. What looks like an open lane doesn’t go all the way to 4th Avenue, but is left open for people to get into driveways and for deliveries.

The deep holes that were first dug in March have been re-dug, and metal plates have appeared all along the near lane, perhaps to cover holes or maybe just to put them somewhere! Two nights back, the contractors were working loudly at the intersection when I got home at midnight and were still at it half an hour later, but I was too tired for them to keep me awake. They then put the plates down and haven’t been seen since. I seriously think they’re making all of this up as they go along. I wonder if they get paid for the nights they don’t work or if they have a few other roads up like this, making occasional appearances at each. It really is a disgrace! 18 weeks and counting!

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