Saturday, July 19, 2008


Symphony in the Park

Last Tuesday, July 15th, I went with Trish and a few of her friends – all women – I love her get togethers (!) – to the Symphony in the Park on the Great Lawn at Central Park. The weather was perfect. It started warm and with moderate humidity, and as it got darker, both of those counts fell and the acoustics improved.

So many people! I can’t imagine how anyone would find anyone else if not for cell phones. I watched an endless stream of people searching for friends, as Trish and I had done when we arrived: “Can you see the Sponge Bob balloon?” “Yes! Ooh! Lime green dress? I see you!”

The evening really was perfect, and while I have already forgotten most of the music that the New York Philharmonic played, I will never forget the evening. There’s something about a gentle sunset almost choreographed to classical music that makes it possible to imagine you are feeling the sunset, or at least completely in tune with it. Bliss!

When the encore was played, the William Tell Overture, I had pangs wishing I was in London watching the Proms. In New York, the music was appreciated. In London, the crowd would have been up, linking arms, humming, swaying and getting a little rowdy in a very good natured way. Yes, even some classical music can be enjoyed other than genteelly!

After the fireworks, which ended at 10:15, it took quite a while to exit the park and I got home pretty much on the stroke of midnight! So it isn’t something I can do too often with work and a 6am alarm the next day. But anyone who has ever thought about going really should. Take a blanket, wine and food and enjoy!

A sea of knees

Climbing over a wall to exit the park. What are those spots that appear whenever I take a piture of the sky at night?

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