Saturday, August 30, 2008


Maximum Performance 'pure' oxygen

This is the worst new commercial I’ve seen in a while. A man and woman are running; the film is black and white. He stops, tired, saying he can’t go on. Suddenly, there’ colour, and she is handing him “maximum performance”. He takes a hit from the can at which point she tells him that it is pure 92% oxygen.

Has anyone ever heard of 92% oxygen? If it exists, this stuff is it in pure form. If not, I’m not quite sure how they can get away with putting the word ‘pure’ before ‘92%’.

I asked my personal trainer about taking pure oxygen, and he said that I’m fit enough and don’t need it. Although I suspect that on my low energy days, it could help.

But! Don’t buy this stuff. At $19.95 for “up to” 30 applications, it is very poor value. Especially when they recommend that you take 2 or 3 breaths, which makes the can have 10 to 15 applications. The web has several better values. Like this one:, which is a mere 90% oxygen, contains 70 breaths for $15 (and they give smallish volume discounts), but they recommend 4-6 breaths (12-17 applications). Or this one: This claims 99% purity but recommends 10-15 breaths! This would yield 9.5-14 applications. But this one is easily the cheapest, at $8.75 per refill can if you buy 12.

I confess I had not understood how some oxygen is more potent than other oxygen (!), so I asked. 10-15 breaths are how many it would take to infuse your bloodstream. Anything less may be beneficial based upon your level of fitness and exertion. But the 2-3 recommended by Maximum Performance is likely to be bait to get you to buy it, and unlikely to be enough.

Some of that previous paragraph came from Craig, at If you have any questions, you’ll find him very friendly and helpful. I hope the guy succeeds, whether I buy his product or not. If he used the same level of ‘honesty’ on his website that Maximum Performance use in theirs, his product would seem to yield between 47.5 and 70 applications per can. If you’re going to buy, buy from the person who is most honest, not from the one making the grandest claims.

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