Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sarah Palin is stupid. Ergo, Sarah Palin supporters are stupid

This is getting serious. This woman goes to rallies and whips the conservative moron wing of the Republican Party into a frenzy over such things as how a person Barack Obama palled with when he was 8 year old was a known terrorist. There are some bad 8 year olds, it is true, but does this make everyone who knew Hitler when he was 8, friends with the most evil person of the 20th century and therefore terrible people? Does it make everyone who know Martin Luther King or Gandhi when they were 8, wonderful people in their own right?

She whips up a frenzy among people who claim that America is now more Socialist than China. Yes folks, her supporters are that smart. Smart enough and nice enough to not vote Obama because he is an Arab!!!!! Where do these people get this stuff from! I repeat a claim I made in an earlier post: These are people who would vote for a decomposing Ronald Reagan if he was the Republican candidate. They would probably claim that his silence denoted strength and that he won all debates. We are not talking about people playing with a full deck here folks! But along with the criminals who are busily trying to strike as many Democratic voters off the voting register as possible, these are the people who may decide the election.

Palin claims to be a foreign policy expert and McCain claims her to be one of the world’s leading experts on energy. But she can’t give straight answers. She cannot think on her feet. All she can do is attack. This woman would be a doddering and sick old man’s heartbeat away from the Presidency. All this Country First stuff might play well with insular idiots who think that the USA can survive in this world without friends, but I have news for them that they will be either too stupid to understand or too ignorant to want to: IT ISN’T SO!

I can just imagine this woman meeting world leaders and trying to bully them to her ways. She, of obvious little intelligence and with no experience or knowledge or capacity to do anything other than attack, lie and memorise what her advisers teach her, would be pummelling intelligent and experienced world leaders? The people who are already aware that George Bush has made this country a standing unfortunate joke in world terms will be well aware that Palin would make him seem like Henry Kissinger. And the people who don’t see that are probably too dim-witted to see anything.

Now when it comes to opinions, I am perfectly accepting of differing opinions and happy to agree to differ. Indeed, no matter how moronic a person is or how dangerous or pathetic what passes for their reasoning might be, they are entitled to their own opinions. However, in this particular case, I have no patience for those who support McCain or particularly Palin. All great empires come to an end though, but few can ever have plummeted so far and so fast as 8 months of President Palin following on from 8 years of W would surely precipitate.

Not convinced by words? Then watch!

She is a Foreign policy expert….

…. and an Energy expert….

…. Who doesn’t read newspapers

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Sorry, but I don't plan on voting for a socialist who has ties to ACORN as
Barack Obama does.

I have looked at your poorly written and poorly researched link. Little of what the conservative press is writing about Acorn has been proven. They are wrong to try registering false names, but the bad submissions are fictional peoplpe who can't vote. I don't condone that, but the people making all of the noise about them are the Conservative lawyers who are really perpetrating the fraud.

These people are planning to challenge tens of thousands of Democratic voters, including people who ar bankrupt, have their houses in foreclosure and possibly even those who show up wearing Obama t-shirts as they are supposedly electioneering! What the fuck is that all about?

And if you think Obama is a Socialist, then I suggest you read up on what Socialism is - and not from some ignorant right wing blog. Go to educational sources.

Your comment only proves my point.
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