Saturday, October 25, 2008


Term limits in NYC: The Bloomberg disgrace

I am not casting judgment on Michael Bloomberg as Mayor. I am also not considering whether it is right or wrong for Mayors to be eligible to serve for 3 terms. Each of those things has become irrelevant.

In 1993, the people of New York City voted for term limits. They voted that the Mayor of their city, along with City Council members, may not hold office more than twice.

On Thursday, October 23rd 2009, the City Council voted that they and the Mayor may run for a third term. Before doing so, they voted against an amendment requiring a referendum.

This is truly disgraceful. The people of New York City have been completely disrespected. Their voted wishes have been overturned by a power hungry Mayor and 29 cronies.

None of these 30 people should receive a single vote in next year’s elections. Maybe many of them would have been re-elected. But New Yorkers must use the election in 2009 as if it were the referendum they have been denied:

1. Do you think you should have had the chance to decide whether or not to keep the term limits? Vote the opponent.

2. Do you agree that it is OK that what you voted should be overturned by 30 elected officials? Vote for them again.

Simple really!

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What is it with the USA and elections? After two general elections when they elected a president without a majority, they are now gerrymandering in NY.

What I find amazing is that the US sends "observers" to other countries elections to "ensure a free and fair election"

What a hoot!
Just wait for the stories that come out after next Tuesday. Votes switching from Obama to McCain; 2+ hour waits in poor neighbourhoods; people showing up to find that they have been knocked off the voting register due to them 'not being citizens', when they really are; people having their eligibility to vote challenged because they are bankrupt or their home is in foreclosure or even tht they are wearing Obama t-shirts and therefore electioneering.

Those who are shouting about ACORN are using that as a smokescreen while they perpetrate election fraud to make the last two elections look like a practice run.

Certinly, if a quarter of these shenanigans went on in another coutry, the US would be screaming that the election should be voided and that they should monitor any re-run.

Whatever Obama's lead, the elecion is far from won because of these criminals
It's not really a general election like the rest of the world.

We have the Stupid Electoral College.

So you can get the most votes and still lose.
Democracy, American style! Wonderful, isn't it!

But I'll still be glued to my TV next Tuesday until the 270 has been passed. Like you, I just hope it is passed by the peprson with the most votes.
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