Sunday, November 09, 2008


Bloomberg: The right balance for democracy

The day before the historic Presidential election that showed American democracy at it’s finest and most hopeful, Mayor Michael Bloomberg proved that he has one of the hugest egos the world has ever seen, by signing into law the bill that reverses the democratic will of the people of New York City, 59% of whom (more literally 59% of the people who could be bothered to vote, but if you don’t vote, you don’t deserve an opinion) voted for term limits in 1993 and 54% of whom voted to re-affirm that decision 3 years later.

So what were the words Bloomberg chose to say as he signed his bill that reversed 2 democratic votes? “This is the right balance for Democracy”. What a bloody nerve! According to this man, his opinion is worth more than hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, and his version of democracy is that it is fair for his opinion to carry more weight than any number of New York voters. It is really quite mind boggling to me that he can think that and get away with it.

People of New York: In a recent poll, 89% of you said that term limits should be put to another referendum; that only the people can overturn the will of the people - but the right balance for democracy is that only one opinion counts and yours doesn’t.

So now, a vote for Bloomberg in next years’ Primaries, should any Republican run against him, or in the Mayoral election in November 2009, will be a paradox, as it will be affirming the will of a person who has circumvented democracy. I trust, my fellow New Yorkers, you will do the right thing when the time comes, and throw this man out on his ear.

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