Sunday, November 09, 2008


Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 – history is made

Barack Obama, brought up by a single mother, his father a Kenyan national, did something that 4 short years ago seemed impossible. He became President-Elect of the United States of America. They eyes of the world watched as everyone anticipated this great moment. But even though the result had seemed likely, if not by such a large margin, I don’t think anyone had anticipated exactly how happy they would be and exactly how much they would be affected by it.

I got a text from a Black friend who was so over the moon, he really wasn’t making much sense. But the words weren’t important. His emotion, plus the abiding image of seeing Jesse Jackson in tears, moved me to contemplate exactly what this election meant for African Americans. I don’t think it is for me to put this into words here. Anyone Black or mixed race reading this will not need me to try to express how they are feeling, although I certainly invite them to please leave comments.

Naturally, everyone I associate with is thrilled, whoever they supported when the whole process started. And in my discussions, they have certainly contemplated the meaning of what has really happened beyond a Democrat, or a Black man or a product of a broken home ascending to the Presidency. I hope those who supported McCain have recovered from their disappointment sufficiently to consider this, because we have witnessed history; we are living history. And January 20th will be a day that will live on forever.

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Obama knows what you and I hesitate to admit: People are dumb. Promise them tax cuts and promise to hurt the people they don't like (rich people and big corporations) and they'll vote for you.

Look at him now, though: It looks like the windfall profit tax he promised to levy against Big Oil is not going to happen. And it's looking like he won't be repealing the Bush tax rate reductions on the highest income earners, as he promised. And the troops won't be home in 16 months. Etc.

In short, Obama is no Messiah, he's just another politician. The good news, though, is that all the dumb people who voted for him are happy (not saying everyone who voted for him is dumb, only that the dumb ones who did are happy) and happy people means consumer confidence goes up. So the Christmas buying season is looking good and this recession may end up being a short one.

Here's hoping that Obama backs down on the rest of his promises, like his promise to increase our electricity rates and to use the income tax system to redistribute wealth a la Karl Marx. :-)
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