Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The current Hamas/Israel conflict. The eternal Arab/Jewish conflict.

I understand that the Arab/Israeli conflict is considerably more complex than can be delved into in a couple of paragraphs. I am aware of arguments on both sides for the existence/non-existence of an Israeli State and to the degree that someone not experiencing it at first hand, of the psychological effect on Palestinians of having the powerful Israelis next door. I certainly don’t claim that everything Israel has ever done is right, nor do I fail to understand the anger seething among Palestinians and other Arabs. I want there to be a peaceful solution between the two sides. But I do need something explained to me regarding the current conflict.

This question is not aimed at those who do not think Israel should exist, although I would be unlikely to delete any comments from people who feel that way. It is mainly aimed at those who do not consider themselves anti-Semitic, even if others might disagree with their self-assessment, who disapprove of the way Israel handles conflict in general and the current situation more specifically.

Simplistic synopsis: Hamas starts bombing Israel. After two days of bombardment, Israel warns that it will retaliate if the bombings do not cease. The bombings do not cease. Israel retaliates.


Should Hamas have stopped bombing?

Do you think Israel should have just taken whatever Hamas wanted to mete out, for as long as it wanted to do so?

What do you feel Israel should have done?

Do you agree that both the timing of the strikes and the means of retaliation are political and fashioned as they are due to upcoming elections?

Do you feel that ultimately, Israel will be more or less likely to negotiate for peace if it is bombed regularly? Think both short and longer term.

What do you feel is the ultimate goal of Hamas and other Arabs with regard to Israel?
Are these goals the same?
Are these goals compatible with the continued existence with Israel?
If not, are these goals compatible with a continued presence of Jews in the region?
If either of the above questions was answered in the negative, would you still expect Israel to negotiate? Would you not expect Israel to fight for its life?

Ultimately, I want peace and I want an Israel. I want to see and understand both sides. But whereas some people seem to think that seeing both sides means accepting the right of only one, I look at the psychology of both. I look at the poor and downtrodden on one side, and the analogous cornered animal on the other and can therefore understand the actions of both. I want dignity for all. I don’t think that very many people understand sufficient to be making the pronouncements that they do, and I’m always willing to learn more. So, pray tell, what do you think I’m missing here? Please try to respond with the same respect with which I ask.

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