Thursday, April 09, 2009
Criminal road contractors continue to fleece New York taxpayers: The 86th Street ‘road workers’ are back.
When this is done in England, a block of this length would have the surface removed in the morning, would be re-surfaced in the afternoon, and people would be driving on it by the evening rush hour.
Here in New York? Well they have completed the surface on part of the road, but rather more than half is still several inches below the regular street level, including a few feet that they took 2 weeks to resurface towards the end of last year. They will presumably move to this side of the street some time next week and finally move out at around the end of this month.
I did know this was going to happen, but I’m still outraged. The amount of money these people have been paid, as compared to how much the job should have cost if they knew how to do what they are supposed to do, instead of the object of their work being to fleece their paymasters for as much money as will be allowed, is clearly outrageous. Who hires these people!!! Don’t they know how much it should cost and how long it should take? Or is it somehow in their best interest to not know?!!!!!