Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Soul Catcher by Michael White is a great book!
The story dates back to pre-Civil War America, when Slave Catchers were called Soul Catchers by Black people and White abolitionists. It is a high adventure trek from South to North and back again, first in search of and then in the company of two runaway slaves. The book is billed as a story of redemption, which it most certainly is. But the style in which it is written, the depth of the various characters, the description of the journey and the complex relationships of all of the characters set this book apart from most.
Yes, I have read many books that I would recommend to people; many that I have thoroughly enjoyed. But this captivated me in a way that very few books ever have and moves into the upper echelon alongside Birdsong and above such notables as The Secret Life of Bees, To Kill a Mockingbird, Water for Elephants, Tuesdays with Morrie….
When you see this described as an important book, believe it! As avid a reader as I am, I would describe few books as ‘must read’. This one deserves that accolade. Read it!