Sunday, April 29, 2007
More on Yahoo Spam
On Wednesday, April 29th 2037, Google and Yahoo will respond to a job application I will make. This is not as nice as women wanting to meet me, as it tell me that I will still need to work then, even though I will be just shy of my 80th birthday. I don’t want to be one of those people who works until he dies! Perhaps I need a job in order to pay back the various loans that were approved the previous day (April 28th, 2037)? Also on April 28th, someone is querying my resume. Perhaps I ought to ask them to send it to me. It would be nice to know what my professional life will be like for the next 30 years. It will save me going on interviews for jobs I will not get - I could apply only for those that appear on my 2037 resume.
But going back another 3 days, I am offered some free tampons. Surely I don’t have a sex change operation!!! Will they be able to introduce reproductive systems into men in the next 30 years? Come to think of it, I’m beginning to suspect that these people can't see into the future after all!
* Have you ever heard of the 2038 bug? Is this why no emails come dated for beyond Jan 18th, 2038?
I have been writing this for about 10 minutes. I now have 6435 spam mails! I will update this when I have reached the full 30-day life of the folder. After that, Yahoo starts to cycle off the older mails.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Dangerous Science
Should we rejoice at the new safety in our food? For me this is even worse than the McDonalds cooking directive to their staff – that burgers should be cooked at a certain temperature for a certain minimum time, in order to kill the bacteria from the faecal matter contained therein. My preference would be that they spend some time and money cleaning the shit out of their burger meat, rather than cooking it ‘safely’, killing the germs! (Ah! And you just thought their burgers just taste like crap! You didn’t realise that they actually contain it?!!!).
At least McDonalds are killing the bacteria in their meat with heat. To kill them with viruses is so incredibly risky!! Viruses mutate. This year’s flu virus will be something else next year, so I repeat: VIRUSES MUTATE!!!!!! They are going to spray this stuff onto our food supply so that we no longer need worry about food poisoning from these sources. Now if they had stringent cleaning and detection processes, we wouldn’t have to worry about food poisoning OR the effects of (mutating) viruses being introduced into our food supply. Do these scientists or the FDA know how the viruses will present themselves in 20 years, for example? Might these viruses develop more sophisticated culinary tastes? Might they even create diseases of their own?
Be afraid, people! Be very, very afraid! And insist that the foods so sprayed are marked accordingly if this madness does come to market, so that you may choose if you want to buy it. And don’t doubt that money will triumph over common sense – it usually does.
Scientists, in the employ of pharmaceuticals, are being paid to engineer organisms which Nature’s own defence mechanisms may have prevented from naturally occurring. Perhaps Nature, which naturally evolved Sickle Cell as a deterrent to Malaria, thus proving that her own cures may not always be benign, was right in not allowing deterrents to the common organisms which cause us food poisoning? Could it be, that in time, the cure will prove far worse than what is seeks to eradicate?
I feel it almost inevitable that these Scientists will not stop tampering with the natural order of things until they stumble across something that will ultimately prove far more devastating to Humanity than anything we have ever seen. Who is to say that this isn’t it?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tazo Tea
I confess I haven’t investigated these claims, so am in no position to agree with or deny them. The reason for the title of this post is one of the people who unfortunately shared the elevator ride with me up to the 21st floor here at 14 Wall Street. He took great offence at the leafleters and was cursing up a storm about how they were wasting their time: “Who gives a flying fuck? ….If they want to help people, let them feed the poor right here in America!” He ranted loudly, all the way up. His colleague, who had not said a word, changed the subject as they exited.
This was a man with some education. Further proof (again, if you needed more,) that education does not preclude ignorance. If somebody comes from an insular place, has no education and is never around anyone who can teach them better, ignorance can be excused. But here in New York? No excuses! Nothing annoys me more in this world than educated ignorance. And this was the worst example of it that I have encountered in some time.
Monday, April 23, 2007
False but clever advertising
Bifidobacterium animalis strain number DN 173 010, is one of many thousands of our bodies. Danone have registered it under the names of Bifidus Digestivum in the UK, Bifidus Regularis in the USA, Bifidobacterium Lactis in Canada, Bifidus Essensis in Germany and Austria, Bifidus Activo in Spain and Bifidus Imunitass in I know not where. As detailed in Wikepedia, “It is important to stress that these are not scientific names but trade names designed to sound and look like scientifically named organisms.” It goes on. I won’t. Except to say, don’t waste your money. Read this entry ( and some of the links at the bottom of the page. Danone aren’t actually lying, you understand. They’re just bullshitting the general public. Don’t buy their crap!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Railroad apartments
I saw 3 or 4 places in Park Slope – each overpriced and undersized. Obviously, some people don’t cook!
A couple of the places there and one in Astoria were Railroad apartments. OK, if the bedrooms are at either end of the apartment, they can work. But for most you have to walk through one bedroom to get to the ‘master’. Each of these ‘proudly’ featured a private entrance into the master bedroom - “perfect for roommates.” I don’t know! They may work for a family with small kids, in which case you don’t need the rear entrance; but not for me. If I need to relieve myself in the middle of the night, am I supposed to exit through the rear door, walk along a common landing carrying my front door keys, and enter through the front in order to use my bathroom? It’s either that or disturbing my kids, who are 20 and 17, or my guests.
I know these places are cheaper than other floor plans and understand why so many people move into them. What I don’t understand is why so many were built in the first place! Someone had to have the idea and pitch it. Many others had to think it a good idea, or there wouldn’t be so many. According to Wikepedia, this design was popular in
‘renaissance, baroque and classicist palaces’ Well, they may work for palaces, but for modern cramped city dwelling?
Friday, April 20, 2007
More NRA stupidity
OK Ted, so let me get this straight. If everyone in America owned a gun, there would be no gun violence. Right? Do you have any evidence to back up this amazing insight? Look up the figures for gun ownership and gun deaths in other countries. Oddly, statistics suggest the reverse of your theory is actually true. Who'da thunk it!!!
Some people really need to listen to what they say!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Smart Arse answers to common stupid questions
Question: “Oh! Are you still here?”
Answer 1: (Patting myself lightly, up and down, as if to check) “I believe I am. Yes!”
Answer 2: “Well actually, I left a couple of hours ago and am sitting at home right now with my feet up!”
Answer 3: “Well you’d better hope so! Because if I’m not, you’re talking to yourself!”
Question: “How do you spell your name?” (Not really a stupid question, just not very well worded)
Answer: “Correctly!”
Question: “Can you spell your name?”
Answer: “Of course I can!”
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A couple of related, stupid/dangerous ideas which have been brought to market
At a time when hand held mobile phones are being banned from use by drivers, and experts point out that any phone conversations are distracting, more and more cars are now putting GPS monitors on the Drivers’ dashboard. GPS is great! But could it not be distracting for someone to concentrate on a monitor while driving? Might it be possible for the monitor to go out while the vehicle is in motion?
Along these lines, but perhaps rather worse, was the idea that found its way into some Mercedes cars a few short years back – in England, at least. Video monitors showing live TV. (Was there a DVD option?) I saw these twice while driving a bus. One time, it was tuned to a music video channel. Barely clad, generously fleshed and highly flexible hips were undulating provocatively on the screen. OK! And this isn’t going to make a guy’s concentration waver? Does Mercedes Benz give politicians free Limos? There certainly can’t be a good reason for this passing as legal!
John McCain
But since power shifted, the President’s ratings plummeted to 30% and he has declared as a candidate for 2008, it’s as if he’s determined to prove that he’s really just a damned fool after all! Suddenly he’s Bush’s staunchest ally and is doing all he can to be unelectable. Events in Virginia yesterday were absolutely dreadful. What did Mr. McCain have to say?
"We have to look at what happened here, but... I do believe in the constitutional right that everyone has, in the Second Amendment to the Constitution, to carry a weapon. Obviously we have to keep guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens."
Can anyone else see what is so mind bogglingly stupid about that last sentence? Will he provide the gun licensers with crystal balls?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Another moan about the New York Times ‘Weekender’ commercial
“It’s only $3.25 a week, which is 50% off. Th. th. that’s like half off! Which is pretty crazy, right?”
“I’m not usually a call now person…”… but they’re paying me say “… Call now!”
“When it comes on a Friday, it’s like the weekend starts a day early. And everyone wants the weekend to start early, right?”
"How much would you give to have your weekend start a day early?" (How much will the New York Times give me towards my loss of earnings for starting my weekend a day early?! Delivery of a newspaper does not, a weekend make!)
(Audible sigh!) Excuse me, but the Times used to be for intelligent, thoughtful people. I’m sure it still is. But if I’m a discerning newcomer to town and I see ads aiming at shallow, suggestible imbeciles, I’m going to look elsewhere for my news! Clearly, they aren’t looking for my custom! And they aren’t going to get it unless they treat me as if I have some modicum of sense.
Edit as of July 2008. The words have changed since I last watched this through. I promise you they were right when I made the post.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Junk Mail
Footnote: In the 3 hours since writing the above, I have received 66 new junk mails! Good grief!
Too much even for yuppies
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
What really annoyed me was the part of Tony Blair’s speech this morning, where he said that we are in Iraq at the request of the democratically elected Iraqi Government! Excuse me? While I absolutely agree that ships which might potentially be carrying weapons that would fuel the fire should not be given a free run to do so, it is the allies who turned a spark into a fire in the first place – and we were NOT invited to do so. The ‘democratically elected government’ of Iraq may want us there now to protect them, and may indeed be entitled to expect that we put out the flames that we lit. But to say that we are there because they requested us to be, is revisionist history of the most brazen kind.