Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Riddex Plus
I have looked up various websites in research for this blog entry, and most people seem to say that they work. I have to admit though, when the commercial stated that the device uses Motorola technology, I had my doubts. How many mice or cockroaches have you ever seen carrying mobile phones!!!!! And do they speak the same language? What is “Get out of my f#%$ing house or else I’ll kill you” in cockroach? Doctor Doolittle is apparently alive and well!!
(FYI: I know it really works with electric impulses, but they’re not funny!)
I have heard things about this product. It seems that it does mostly work, but people with small children shouldn't use them. Also, some people can hear the sound emissions near where the unit is plugged in. Quite disturbing for me, are reports that mice suddenly run into the middle of rooms, seeming completely disoriented. Not sure exactly what to make of that, but it doesn't make me want to go out and buy the product!
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