Sunday, July 29, 2007
Bomb sniffing Dogs
I had imagined that these dogs were highly trained – almost a breed apart from their fellow canines. How unexpected it was then when I saw one of them lying on the ground scratching his ear and following that by licking his balls. The proletariat of dogs!
Somehow, that seems perfect for Wall Street though. Not suggesting for a moment that Floor Traders and Specialists lick their balls, but what they do share with these dogs is that each has a talent which cannot be taught and an awareness which must not falter for a moment, and neither has any airs or graces.
Soggy Ciggies
Friday, July 20, 2007
Paying the price for over-indulging kids
(* Don’t even get me started about these ‘experts’. For enough money, some will agree with and set out to ‘prove’ just about anything)
3 or 4 years ago, a teenager in London stole his father’s credit Card and took some friends to Spain for a few days. He then went to Birmingham, I believe it was, and embarked on a spending spree which stopped when he was arrested. He blamed it all on his father. To paraphrase: ‘If he had bought me what I asked for in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to steal his card’.
Also in England, kids with wealthy parents have pretty much ruined some areas. I drove buses through Southgate, North London; once a fine area. I’m sure their parents would tell me that they are good boys. I am telling you that they are barely even human! No respect for anyone or anything. They treat people with utter contempt; they vandalise buses. Their favourite way of spending Halloween is throwing eggs at bus windscreens early in the evening, then later attempting to throw lit fireworks on the buses, with no regard to the passengers on board. They have an insatiable need to prove that they are badder than bad and tougher than the real toughs. I used to call them the creatures of the night.
What is the common link? These kids were spoiled by lousy parent who think that the way to be a good Mum or Dad is to give their kids whatever they want. They do this in lieu of real parenting. And they create monsters.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Noise pollution
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Conspiracy theories – Break out the holy hand grenade!
I would have loved to have been at the press conference when a British major said “We can categorically state that we have not released man-eating badgers into the area.” Could he have possibly said it with a straight face?
And just in case anyone reading this might think I am wrong to laugh at this; that if people are so traumatised as to think such a thing, it isn’t funny; let me just remind you about the number of idiots in this country who insist that 9/11 was an inside job. Conspiracy theories are everywhere and always have been. Most are annoying or pathetic. A very few have some substance.
Some time back, I saw some students by the New York Stock Exchange with a banner proclaiming 9/11 to be an inside job. They were trying to hand out leaflets. A couple of people stopped and I heard one of these morons saying “there’s compelling evidence…” I interrupted: “There’s compelling evidence that about 20 years ago, a brother and a sister became rather too familiar!”
(Thanks to Joel for the idea for the headline. It is a bit like Monty Python’s Killer Bunny)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Garlic anybody?
Apparently, Garlic can cut these emissions down by 50%! I wonder if that works for humans! Damn! If so, can you imagine what chili would be like without garlic?
I had a thought that balloons could be attached to cow behinds, but then an image appeared in my head of cows flying. The balloons would get more full and the cows would fly higher until they stopped producing gas due to lack of food intake. I think that while some people might be initially amused by the sight, this would actually be a bad thing. But I would far rather we found some way of harvesting cow methane than that we waste fields growing corn for production of methane while people in the world starve.
I just googled ‘corn methane’ and found an article which details how corn cobs can store gases at 180 times their own natural volume. Any chance of shoving corn cobs up cows backsides?
Monday, July 09, 2007
A nonsense legal decision in England
What is the precedent here? If someone has heart disease and is kidnapped and tortured, but dies of a heart attack, can it be proven that he wouldn’t have had a heart attack if the kidnap/assault hadn’t taken place?
What ridiculous nonsense is this? As I don’t believe the same would have been said in my latter, hypothetical case, that leaves the question of whether this was discrimination against epileptics. Either way, I’m disgusted!
A rant at bad driving and lack of enforcement.
Use cameras to catch them. Fine them and put points on their licenses.
And use the same cameras to catch the arseholes who speed up to go through red lights, even as pedestrians have stepped foot on the crossing. Two days ago, I saw someone on 86th Street speed up to cross 4th Avenue. He/she was heading towards a busy pedestrian area. A bus turning right from 4th Ave was blocking much of the intersection and this moron could not see if anyone was crossing, but nevertheless, without slowing down, he/she dodged between the jutting front of the bus and the car facing the other way, waiting at the stop line. Reckless driving. Depraved indifference to human life. That person should be behind bars.
Traffic is an unavoidable part of city living. Honking a horn does nothing to clear gridlock. It may give fellow drivers a headache. This is already illegal, but nobody ever gets penalised.
Fine them and put points on their licenses.
Tailgating is illegal and very dangerous – and rarely punished. The tailgater will not get anywhere faster and may directly or indirectly cause accidents. They may even kill people.
Fine them and put 6 points on their license. Ban them for a second offence. Jail them for a third. If they are responsible for road deaths, charge them with murder.
If people tailgate in poor conditions, haul them into the station without letting them finish their intended journey. Ban them from driving effective immediately. Charge them with reckless endangerment.
What is this ‘vehicular manslaughter’ bullshit when drunks kill people with their cars!!! Being drunk is not a valid excuse for committing murder. Getting behind the wheel of a car when double the legal alcohol limit should carry an attempted murder charge. Killing someone with that level of alcohol in the blood should be murder. It was premeditated. They knew before they got behind the wheel that diving drunk is dangerous and potentially fatal, so it cannot be manslaughter. And doing it with a vehicle should not lessen the sentence. The dead person is just as dead and their families will grieve no less if the murderer was wielding a car as opposed to a gun or knife.
Roads are dangerous, and fuck the civil libertarians who claim that cameras on the roads infringe upon our civil liberties. Who are they protecting? Certainly not pedestrians or good drivers! There aren’t enough cameras, so the roads are more dangerous than they should be. People get away with hit and run murders and behaviour which could kill. Time to crack down.
Square One
My son seems to think that this entry will cause people to scratch their heads. As a disclaimer, I feel I must state I had no intention of causing allergic reactions in people’s scalps or brains and apologise if you suffered this reaction.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Scooter and the Veep II - IMPEACH CHENEY NOW!!!
Why the liberal vendetta? Well, an entire US spy ring was compromised, thus also compromising the security of the country. I haven’t heard the word used too loudly, but folks, that is Treason. It is potentially the only crime worse than murder, as it can put an entire country at risk. And Libby was only the foot soldier. His boss, Vice President Cheney, the most dangerous and crooked man to hold senior office in my time at least, was the architect. The same man whose pockets are lined every time Halliburton is awarded another no bid contract. The same man whose pockets are being lined daily by the high oil prices. Did that little detail pass you by? Yes! The President and his loyal Deputy are oil men and are being enriched by high oil prices. But that they are greedy bastards who don’t mind getting rich while oil prices affect the pockets of the American people isn’t the main point here. VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY IS GUILTY OF TREASON! I don’t call this a vendetta. I actually think that the Democratic Party has been guilty of being too silent on this. Treason cannot be excused. It cannot be left unprosecuted. IMPEACH CHENEY NOW!!!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Show some respect!
But what really got me yesterday was watching the news – CNN no less. Why do American news readers insist on calling Putin (note the middle letter) poo-in! * I’m insulted for the guy! If your name is spelled Crichton but you say cryton, or cry-an for that matter, that’s fine. If your name is spelled St. John and you prefer to say sinjon, who am I to judge? Well, publicly at least! But it is not for you to lose the ‘t’ in someone’s name. If they use it, you use it – at least if you are reading news. It’s simple respect - very easy to show and it goes a long way!
Question: Why, in New York at least, does Pitta Bread become peedah bread, but Putin become poo-in?
* How do you correctly write this sound? It is like a hard gap or hard nothing. Or like ‘uh?’ without the ‘u’ or the question mark. Cockneys have always used it, turning ‘little’ into li-ouw, for example or ‘party’ into pah-ee. For want of a better way of writing it, I insert the ‘-‘.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Road sense
Further proof of the stupidity of some drivers: Tailgating trucks! OK idiots! If you can’t see the mirrors of the vehicle in front of you, the driver of that vehicle can’t see you. Duh!! At least if you tailgate me, I can see you. Sure I’ll brake and make things uncomfortable for you because, as I see it, you are nothing but a dickforbrains, and if you want to die on the road, there are plenty of trees you could wrap yourself around, so you should leave me out of your sick fantasy. But if the truck driver is forced to brake suddenly, you’ll go from living, breathing, arsehole to bug food faster than you can yell “Mom-meeeeee!!”
A question for Muslims
Certainly, he should have handled himself differently. My first thought was that a woman official could confirm the identity of a devout Muslim woman before she enters the courtroom. Easy! However, an important aspect of determining guilt or innocence is body language and facial expression during questioning. Certainly, if the face is covered, the latter is quite impossible. I would invite a learned Muslim to please post a thoughtful suggestion as to how this problem can be overcome in a manner that doesn’t cause distress to a Muslim woman defendant and also doesn’t offer her the advantage of hiding her facial expressions.
The danger of silence
In England, the mainstream of the Muslim community are standing by while extremists become ever more powerful. Some, at least, are scared to act. It seems obvious that the best means of stopping the growing militancy among British born children of Pakistani immigrants, for example, is for that community to band together and put a stop to it before it all goes too far. They must stand and be heard. They must do whatever it takes and ask for help from the authorities if needed.
I’m sure some very good Pakistanis in England have found themselves on the wrong end of ignorant comments. They must be aware that as attacks perpetrated by young Muslim men continue and presumably intensify, it seems inevitable that the backlash will unfortunately, increasingly turn into physical assaults - against anyone who might look even close to Pakistani or Arab, and indiscriminate of their religion. Yes, anger brings out the worst in the ignorant! There is a very bad situation unfolding right now in my homeland. Let nobody be under any illusions – it will continue to get worse until action is taken. I really hope that action comes from within.